the festival
We all like to sing – and we have a lot of fun doing it. Scientists around the world are saying that it’s not only fun to sing – it’s also good for you! Come to Vilnius, Lithuania’s capital, and explore ways in which singing can make you feel better and be smarter. Subtitled “Smart Singing”, the Europa Cantat Junior festival in Vilnius will offer ateliers with world-class conductors and non-choral activities that will explore the nature of sound and the benefits of making music. Europa Cantat Junior is a festival for children and youth choirs with singers up to 18 years old. It takes place in a different European city every three years and is co-organized by European Choral Association in collaboration with local organizations. For the 2022 edition, this organization is Lithuanian National Culture Centre!
easy to fall in
love with
In 2022, the festival will take place in Vilnius – Lithuania’s capital with around half a million inabitants. Its green, UNESCO-recognized Old Town will look amazing in the pictures your singers will take. Its rich history will be something your children will talk about for a long time after the festival. Your choir will be able to sing at unforgettable concert halls, and your singers will appreciate mind-blowing public Internet access – Vilnius is famous for it!
The success of any amazing event depends on the team – and we have a great one! Here’s who is contributing to the festival.
Steering Committee
Anne Marie-Cabut, artistic director of La Cigale de Lyon, artistic manager of Europa Cantat Junior Lyon 2017
Sonja Greiner, general secretary of European Choral Association
Ieva Krivickaite & Silvija Prockyte, managers of Europa Cantat Junior Vilnius 2022
Vytautas Miskinis, composer and artistic director of Boys and Youth Choir Azuoliukas
Carlo Pavese, former president of European Choral Association
Kaie Tanner, general secretary of Estonian Choral Association
Ieva Krivickaite & Silvija Prockyte, general managers
Rita Dronseikaite, catering coordinator
Paulius Zeimys, locations coordinator
Aiste Valentaite, Opening Concert coordinator
Egle Ladigiene, accommodation coordinator
Lithuanian Advisory Board
Remigijus Adomaitis, artistic director of Siauliai Boys and Youth Choir Dagilelis
Danguole Beinaryte, artistic director of Kaunas University of Technology mixed choir Jaunyste
Arvydas Girdzijauskas, director of Klaipeda Vydunas Gymnasium
Saulius Liausa, director of Lithuanian National Culture Centre
Vytautas Miskinis, composer and artistic director of Boys and Youth Choir Azuoliukas
Arturas Novikas, artistic director of A. Novikas Jazz School
Ksaveras Planciunas, former artistic director of Kaunas Boy’s and Youth Choir Varpelis
Valerija Skapiene, artistic director of Ugnele Music School
Jolita Vaitkeviciene, artistic director of Liepaites Girls Choir